welcome to the limb family
See current COVID-19 related studio information on our news page.
We're so excited you have decided to join us at Out on a Limb. The below information will help you get acquainted with us, our policies and procedures, and what to expect as a new student. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!
Our location
+ entrance
Out on a Limb is located in the Falcon Crossing Mall on the Northeast corner of Snelling Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue in Falcon Heights. Our entrance is located in the alleyway, in the rear of the building. Please travel west to east in the alley for smooth drop off and pick up. There is also free parking in the attached lot.
The studio typically is open 15 minutes prior to the first class of the day. Please do not drop off your student sooner than this. An instructor or staff member will remain with any student until they are picked up at the end of the night, however please be respectful of our staff’s time and be prompt when picking up your child. Fees will be assessed for late pick-up resulting in a staff member needing to stay beyond their scheduled teaching hours.
Please be sure your children (both dancers and siblings) are supervised by an adult while in the OOAL lobby and student lounge.
OOAL reserves the right to close due to severe or threatening weather conditions. Information on class and rehearsal cancellations or changes will be emailed to all registered students by 2pm. We will close along with after-school activities as decided by St. Paul or Roseville School districts. Where there is a threat of inclement weather or unsafe driving conditions dues to weather, classes will be held on zoom for the safety of our students and teachers.
In addition, Out on a Limb reserves the right to cancel or change any class due to low enrollment. If this happens, all registered students will be notified as soon as possible.
Tuition is based on 36 weeks of classes divided into nine monthly installments. By registering for classes, you are committing to pay monthly tuition. If you need to drop a class or change your registration in any way, please notify us by email by the 15th of the month to ensure that your account will be adjusted beginning the first of the following month. Tuition cannot be refunded. Missed or cancelled classes will not be refunded, but you may take make up classes at any time.
Monthly tuition for the dance program is based on the number of registered class hours per week. Tuition for one hour per week is $68 per month. The more class hours you register for, the lower your hourly tuition rate will be. Family members’ number of dance class hours may be combined (except for PAE students, whose tuition is a flat rate and cannot be combined with other dance class hours.)
A once-annual family registration fee of $50 is applied in September, or at the time of registration.
Tuition is due the first week of each month. A $15 late fee will be applied after the 15th of the month.
Tuition can be payed by cash or check in the tuition box in the lobby. Tuition can also be payed by credit or debit card through your online account here. To access your online account , use the email provided at the time of registration. If this is the first time you have accessed your account, click the "Forgot your password" link to establish one. Recurring tuition payments can also be set up online.
Please let us know if your dancer will be missing a class. Dancers are welcome to do a make-up in any class at their level before the end of the same session. Please let us know in advance which class will be taken as make-up.
Leave our space in better shape than you found it. Please be respectful of the OOAL facility, including the studio, student lounge, lobby, bathrooms, hallways and parking lot. Respect others by using courteous and appropriate behavior. No running or rough play and use indoor voices. Pick up after yourself and dispose of all recycling and trash in proper bins. OOAL cannot guarantee the security of valuables and is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please report any damage, injuries and specific concerns immediately to a staff member.
Out on a Limb offers a Shoe Exchange Program for all students enrolled in classes or participating in an Out on a Limb performance. Here’s how it works: Your first pair of shoes will cost $15. As your student grows out of their shoes, you may exchange for a new pair for only $5 each time. This is a great way to save money on dance apparel while your students are growing!
We have a variety of used tap, jazz and ballet shoes available, but quantities are limited. Please let us know when you register if you would like to participate in this program.
Dance attire can be purchased at Grand Jete on Grand Ave. in St. Paul, Step 'n' Stretch (multiple locations in the metro area) or online at sites such as Discount Dance Supply.
Girls or non-binary identifying students: For ballet, students are required to have a black leotard, pink tights, pink shoes, and a black skirt. For other classes, students are required to have black jazz pants, black jazz shoes, and black tap shoes. Students may also wear any solid-colored leotard or form-fitting dancewear when teachers permit.
*No jewelry should be worn in class.
*No underwear should be worn under tights. Tights are ballerina undies!
Girls or Non-binary identifying students:
Boys or Non-binary identifying students:
For ballet, students are required to have black dance pants (sweatpants or shorts are also permitted), a white t-shirt, and black ballet shoes. For other classes, students may wear any solid-colored t-shirt, black pants, black jazz shoes, and black tap shoes.
Creative movement and beginning dance classes:
Any color dance clothes. Hair should be back.
Students must have hair in a secure bun (no bangs or loose hair) for ballet class. We recommend keeping hair binders, hairnets, hairpins, and clips or bobby pins in students' dance bags at all times. Students will be asked to go and fix their hair before joining the class if it is not secure. This is very important to maintain a confident and disciplined environment in the classroom.
OOAL students will be expected to be prepared, maintain good behavior and have good classroom etiquette.
Here are some general guidelines to good dance classroom etiquette:
Be on time. A little early is even better. If you must enter late, always ask teacher's permission to enter and give an explanation. If you are expected in class and cannot make it, call 651-644-3802 to inform the teacher.
Raise your hand to ask questions and don't be afraid to ask them. That's what we're here for! Let us help you improve- ask away! It is exceptionally polite to say thank-you for all corrections given and questions answered.
To learn as much as possible and to show respect for your teacher, there should be no talking in class. Do not talk while the teacher is talking. Be attentive to the teacher at all times and respond if the teacher asks a group-directed question.
Always ask permission to leave the classroom for any reason. Ask permission to adjust or remove pointe shoes.
You may bring a water bottle into the studio with you, but please drink it only when given a water break.
Put your name on all of your belongings, including the inside of your dance shoes.
Praise/encourage other students, but do not correct other students.
Ask permission to sit out and watch if you are hurt or sick. To keep you safe, if you must sit out due to illness or injury, you cannot re-join that or any other class or rehearsal that day without special permission from the teacher. Always inform/remind your teacher of any illness or injury you may have.
Visitors, please ask permission from the teacher to watch class.
Always clap after class and say thank you to your teacher!