Over the past couple of years, many students have expressed interest in attending conventions and competitions.

Historically, our training program has not participated in these events and has focused on maintaining a pre-professional program. However, as the interest in these events has grown, we have added a special year-long program through our Extensions Program. This opportunity is open to all dancers ages 5 and up and can be highly tailored to your dancer’s interest level. 

OOAL recognizes the benefit of attending conventions and experiencing these events in a positive and self-affirming way. We also recognize that in addition to training in our pre-professional training program, competing can be a fun way to explore your artistry. We are committed to making this a positive experience in every aspect. We will maintain the credo of keeping costuming and routines age appropriate. We will support every dancer and steadfastly maintain and practice the ideology that the experience is the true reward. 


For this first year we will be allowing only solo, duet, and trio entries for our beginning through advanced-intermediate dancers. Our advanced dancers (Levels 7 and up) can choose to do small groups (4-6 dancers). Choreography must be done by an OOAL staff member or staff approved affiliate. Students who are advanced dancers (levels 7 and up) may choose to do their own choreography but must commit to a minimum of one scheduled private session with a genre-appropriate staff member. 

We have an enormous supply of beautiful costumes that are available to rent for an annual fee of $50 (regardless of the number of costumes). Dancers who choose to rent their costumes assume the responsibility of caring for and returning the costume(s) at the end of the season. If a costume is damaged additional fees may be applied. Dancers are welcome to buy their own costumes (instead of renting) if the director approves the costume(s) beforehand.


Our OOAL students can choose to enroll in: Extensions by Out on a Limb; a convention connection and competitive-introduction program. For this first year we are committing to one convention (KAR, May 20-22nd) for all program participants. Additionally, students can choose from a director-approved list of optional conventions and competitions to attend IF they wish; this list will be announced in September. All students enrolled in this program are required to attend the scheduled convention, however, choosing to compete will always remain an option! When the list of optional conventions and competitions is released, there will be a breakdown of which events are convention only, convention AND competition, or competition only. 

There will be a monthly preparation class intended to help students become more familiar with a range of dance genres, improvisation, and for cleaning routines (for those competing). The day and time will be announced at the beginning of each month. 


Year-round (September-May)

1 enrollment | $40/Monthly 
$50/annual costume fee (for competitors only) 

Fee includes: 1monthly preparation class, and any scheduled personal studio space for rehearsals, (up to 60 minutes per week), overhead administrative costs, and instructor fees. 

Costume Fee: Includes rental costuming needs aside from undergarments (briefs, socks, tights…etc.), earrings, and shoes; costumes must be returned to OOAL

*Students choosing to compete may buy their own costumes if they wish


  • Registration to conventions and/or competitions

  • Choreography/private lesson rates 

    • Choreography and private lessons are paid to the instructor, not to OOAL; thus, rates will vary


  • September 13th First Day of Training Program and Extension Program classes

  • September 25th: First Monthly Prep (time TBD) 

  • May 20th-22nd KAR National Convention 

We look forward to this new venture and to encouraging and inspiring our students to experience master classes, scholarship opportunities, and make lots of new friendships! 

For any questions, please contact Sara Martinez-Marcotte, Director of Extensions Programming saramm@outonalimbdance.org

Cheers to over 20 years and great things to come!